By Chris Bardsley
13 Oct 2023


Today is International Women’s Day!

Today is the day we celebrate the achievements of women across the globe and a day for us to bring attention to the gender bias experienced. For example, it is 2022 and there are less than 1/3 of top jobs in the UK held by a woman. Crazy? We thought so too.

Let’s #BreakTheBias together.


We want to see change!

There is plenty that all of us can do, both in business and in our personal lives, to ensure that change happens. We’ve collated some things you can do to help:

Fight for equality in the workplace

During the pandemic, the gender pay gap widened even further. There is a pay gap of around 7.9% between women and men at present, though a woman will not have the ability to get a fair pay rise if she has no idea what her male colleagues are earning. When salary discussions are banned from the workplace, it tends to be the women who suffer.

Publishing the wage ranges for all levels of roles levels the playing field. Transparency is a tried and tested method to reduce the gender pay gap.

Eradicate discrimination and break the bias

42% of women have experienced gender discrimination in the workplace. There are many areas of potential conflict under the discrimination umbrella. These include issues around pregnancy and maternity, equal pay, family-friendly working, part-time working, relationships at work, recruitment, bullying and harassment, redundancy and even dress codes.

Amplify the voices around you

It’s important that everybody gets their voice heard and recognition for their great work. A report back in 2017 stated that women feel their voice is heard just 8% of the time. Champion those who identify as women by giving them the opportunity to present ideas. Represent women from all walks of life in your business, whether through marketing communications or employment.

Offer a flexible work environment

Many businesses have adopted a flexible policy since the pandemic, and we’ve seen how incredibly useful it has been for many families. It allows all employees, not just women, find a better work life balance while providing additional support for parents and carers. Most people’s lives don’t revolve around the 9-5.

Broaden your horizons with hired talent

Diverse workforces and make a huge impact to the success of a business. Women make up 8% of company chief executives in the UK, up 5% from last year. While the positive change is great, more is needed.

Ensuring those who are conducting interviews are diverse reduces the tendency to hire the same kinds of people repeatedly. It also reduces any chance of unconscious bias.

Here at Service Graphics Display Division, we find all of our employees important – they’re the ones who make up this well-oiled machine.

We are choosing to #BreakTheBias and create a positive work environment for everyone, no matter your gender, age, race or sexuality.

Will you join us?